somatic experiencing SE Trento somatic therapy psychology Bologna wellness stress depression anxiety sofia giliberti dance movement therapy contact improvisation somatic experiencing SE Trento somatic therapy psychology Bologna wellness stress depression anxiety sofia giliberti dance movement therapy_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_ contact improvisation somatic experiencing SE Trento somatic therapy psychology Bologna wellness stress depression anxiety sofia giliberti dance movement therapy contact improvisation somatic experiencing SE Trento somatic therapy psychology Bologna wellness stress depression anxiety sofia giliberti dance movement therapy_cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ contact improvisation somatic experiencing SE Trento somatic therapy psychology Bologna wellness stress depression anxiety sofia giliberti dance movement therapy contact impr ovisation somatic experiencing SE Trento somatic therapy psychology Bologna wellness stress depression anxiety sofia giliberti dance movement therapy contact improvisation somatic experiencing SE Trento somatic therapy psychology Bologna wellness stress depression anxiety sofia giliberti dance movement therapy_cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ contact improvisation somatic experiencing SE Trento somatic therapy psychology Bologna wellness stress depression anxiety sofia giliberti dance movement therapy contact improvisation somatic experiencing SE Trento somatic therapy psychology Bologna wellness stress depression anxiety sofia giliberti dance movement therapy_cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ contact improvisation somatic experiencing SE Trento somatic therapy psychology Bologna wellness stress depression anxiety sofia giliberti dance movement therapy co ntact improvisation somatic experiencing SE Trento somatic therapy psychology Bologna wellness stress depression anxiety sofia giliberti dance movement therapy contact improvisation somatic experiencing SE Trento somatic therapy psychology Bologna wellness stress depression anxiety sofia giliberti dance movement therapy_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ contact improvisation somatic experiencing SE Trento somatic therapy psychology Bologna wellness stress depression anxiety sofia giliberti dance movement therapy contact improvisation

in Italian, English and Portuguese

Contact Improvisation
Contact Improvisation was born in the seventies in the United States from the research of Steve Paxton ,
one of the most influential dance choreographers and researchers of the second half of the 20th century.
CI is an improvisation technique that favors dance in relation to two or more people
And uses listening between bodies in a democratic way. For the development of this listening, anatomical and physiological awareness exercises and kinesthetic proprioception exercises are used,
which aim to raise awareness and teach the principles of weight transfer, acceleration,
breaks, slips, rolls, falls, impacts, loads, flights ...
From this expansion of bodily perceptions the dialogue between bodies and with space is elaborated.
It is a fertile crossroads where skill, instinct and poetic creativity converge. ​
In this work, the body must learn to let go, to open up to new sensations
and experience the natural flow of movement.

Individual sessions
The private lessons of Contact Improvisation are aimed at people interested in deepening the study of the physical practice of CI in an individualized way.
People with any level of experience are welcome. The content of the class is created by the needs appointed by the person in dialogue and observation with Maria Sofia. Possible points to work on: fundamentals of mastery and understanding of weight, techniques of lifting, flying and jumping, moving in the flow of movement in contact, principles of improvisation and composition, sharing of theoretical material, pedagogical supervision (for CI facilitators or future facilitators )
From an initial interview, the present needs are investigated and starting from them Maria Sofia proposes a process, which can be single lessons of 60 minutes or a cycle of continuous sessions.

Group lessons
In Maria Sofia's classes, in addition to the principles of CI, practices inspired by Dance Movement Therapy, Tuning Score and DanceAbility are also used, research that involves the study of listening and non-verbal communication, allowing all people, with or without training in dance, with or without disabilities, to express themselves and collaborate artistically through dialogue e improvisation.

Adavanced workshops
Workshop with the proposal to explore the most advanced languages of Contact Improvisation, open to people who have been practicing and studying CI or other similar body practices for some time.
The workshop trains strength, flexibility, stability, supporting flexible bases and building light bodies to fly.